Jerry Dugan of Beyond the Rut
Nov 06, 2020
Jerry Dugan is one half of the team behind Beyond the Rut. Today, Jerry shares how podcasting has changed in the eight years he's been doing it, how specific to get on your audience, and the value of networking. Jerry is committed to always improving and his podcast helps men do just that.
Listen to Jerry's podcast journey now!
Stories Jerry shared:
- Meeting up at Podcast Movement and networking
- How guesting on other shows grows yours
- Living apart from his family during a pandemic
- How podcasting has changed since he started 8 years ago
- The growth of the industry in awareness
- Getting started with others and overcoming objections
- His ideal audience (listen to this specificity!)
- The five areas he wants to influence men to improve
- Choosing not to be in the Christian category
- How one great guest connected them to multiple others
- The guests that impressed him
- The goals he has for next year
Great quotes from Jerry:
Christ isn't meant to be kept inside this bottle.
We are calling ourselves out because our show is called Beyond the Rut.
Resources we mentioned:
- Jerry's website
- Jerry's favorite episodes:
- Outwitting the Devil: The Secrets to Freedom and Success (Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation)
by Napoleon Hill
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